PLTW Portfolio D Washington


Henderson Waves Bridge

This bridge is 274 meters long and 8 meters wide . This bridge is found in South East Asia . This bridge has a lot of room for people to sit when events are going on .
This bridge also could have been made for a place for teens to hang because of its "hip" style. Slats are made of yellow balau wood, an all-weather timber . This bridge is 12 stories high . At night time the bridge is lighted up.

The Malaysia Sky Bridge

Located in Langkawi archipelago, Malaysi . this is not  a bridge in the sky, but not far from it. 700 meters above sea level . Its supported by one column and cables. Each end has two triangular platforms, to offer views from different angles .

Gateshead Millennium Bridge

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian and cyclist tilt bridge across the River Tyne in England between Gateshead's Quays arts quarter on the south bank, and the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank. The bridge is sometimes referred to as the 'Blinking Eye Bridge' or the 'Winking Eye Bridge'. Stands as the sixteenth tallest structure in the city.